Woodlake Community Association

2025 Ballot Referendum Item

Thacker’s View Annexation – Frequently Asked Questions

Can you explain in layman’s terms, what we are voting on with the Thacker’s View Annexation Referendum?
With the Thacker’s View Annexation Referendum, Woodlake residents are voting on two things with their vote related to that ballot referendum.
1. Residents are voting to annex (to attach) the Thacker’s View Development and have it become part of the Woodlake
Community Association.
2. With that vote, and in the event the Thacker’s View Annexation referendum passes, Woodlake residents are giving the
Woodlake Board of Directors permission to negotiate the annexation of the Thacker’s View development into Woodlake
with the best interest of the WCA in mind.

See the following questions from residents to highlight details related to the RFP process, expectations and inquiries related to the referendum. In addition the companion “position paper” provides additional detail and financial information on the referendum.

Why do we need to vote on this now, the clearing and development of the property has not even started?
If the community votes to have Thacker’s View become part of the Woodlake Community Association (WCA), it would be beneficial to have the WCA engage in all aspects of the development process to ensure involvement by the WCA. This includes planned amenities to avoid duplication of current offerings, offer input to items that may be developed that the WCA does not offer, including a potential dog park, an ADA accessible playground, trail construction and materials, reservoir access points, common area landscape items, signage, as well as other items that may potentially become WCA property after build out.

Why can’t the board negotiate the terms of annexation and then ask the community to vote on the item?
The board of directors is elected to manage the affairs of the WCA community. As per the governing documents, the WCA board has authority to acquire property for common use among its residents. Since the property is not owned or controlled by the WCA, and will be developed with residential properties, the board has no authority to enter negotiations with an outside party for such purposes. Therefore, it is seeking permission from the membership to do so.

Will the board hire outside consultants and subject matter experts to help negotiate this process?
Yes. Should the referendum be approved, it is the intention of the Board to create an Annexation Task Force to include subject matter experts and consultants (residents and a hired contractor), two Board members, staff, and to utilize legal counsel to assist in the decision-making process on this item. The board will also utilize its various established committees for input. The Task Force will provide regular reports, updates and recommendations to the board and community via board meetings.

What does this cost me?
Since the WCA is not purchasing the property there is no cost to current Woodlake residents for the development of the property. If annexed the WCA would negotiate development terms with the developer for annexation into Woodlake as properties are developed. If approved those new property owners would become part of Woodlake and be subject to the then current assessment as well as any membership fees in place at the time. Those new residents would also have access to all Woodlake amenities and pay resident membership fees if they want to join the AFC and/or SRC Racquet Center.

Once Thacker’s View is built out at 260 homes, will those additional members overwhelm our facilities i.e. pools?
The projected full build out for the property is 260 homes. This represents only 9% of the total current WCA property. The developer has estimated it may take 7-10 years from approval to reach full build out.

Results from the recent Community Survey indicate that the average number of residents for each property is three persons. That would be approximately 780 Thacker’s View residents added to our estimated population of 8,000.

The combined average daily attendance at both outdoor pools is approx. 390 (except for holidays). That represents about 4.9% of our current population. Applying that percentage to 780 Thacker’s View residents (at build out) produces about 38 more residents per day that may come to the outdoor pools. There is ample capacity at both pools to handle such an increase.

If annexed, will the WCA be responsible for the common areas – landscaping and maintenance cost for this new neighborhood?
Typically, and this will be part of the negotiation if the referendum is approved, the developer bears the cost of landscape maintenance as well as common area costs, to include utilities, until the property is turned over to the HOA or managing agent.

This normally occurs after 70% build out, which means 70% of the development has occurred. We can, as part of the negotiation process, ask for a longer term. Those costs can be defined as an estimate since they only represent 9% of the total WCA current cost.

What about administrative fees and covenant enforcement?
Typically administrative fees are covered by the developer until changeover occurs at 70%. If the property is part of Woodlake, the WCA would be responsible for covenant enforcement at buildout. If the referendum is not approved, the WCA will have no input to the covenants and conditions for the Thacker’s View property.

Will I be able to know how the negotiations are progressing and offer input?
Yes. Should the referendum be approved, it is the intention of the Board to create an Annexation Task Force to include subject matter experts and consultants (residents and a hired contractor), two Board members, staff, and to utilize legal counsel to assist in the decision-making process on this item. The board will also utilize its various established committees for input. The Task Force will provide regular reports, updates and recommendations to the board and community via board meetings.

What is the financial gain for Woodlake if approved?
Based on the current assessment and income levels, the WCA stands to gain significant income from the addition of properties paying the annual assessment. The addition of 260 homes may also contribute to additional membership fees to indoor pool/fitness facility and tennis/pickleball. There would also be income added to the existing Capital Fund – this is the one-time fee that all outside property owners pay when purchasing homes in Woodlake. The capital fund is used to pay for NEW amenities and improvements to the community that do not currently exist.

What will this additional income be used for?
The additional assessment revenue to the WCA could be used for a variety of things. It could be used toward paying down the current debt that the WCA has incurred. Having additional revenue, once it begins, may also help property owners from seeing significant assessment increases. It could also be used to provide more funding to the Replacement Capital Reserve. Additional membership income from new members may also help keep membership fees from increasing.

Decisions about how the money will be used will be made outside of the annexation effort and using our standard decision-making process involving the annual budget process and in open Board meetings.

What about expenses, will the WCA have to pay anything towards this development?
The developer and property owners bear the cost of development for the Thacker’s View property. They are responsible for all permitting and construction costs. WCA expenses may include the hiring of consultants as well as legal counsel regarding the negotiations.

What role can WCA take in ensuring that the Thacker’s View common property is developed according to the development plan approved by the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors?
The WCA can request permission to monitor common area development to aid in adherence to proffered conditions. Note: Chesterfield County is in charge of ensuring Thacker’s View common property is developed according to the approved plan. The WCA has no authority at this stage of the project, but pledge to be as diligent as possible to influence, monitor and report within the rules and operations set by Chesterfield County.

What if I vote NO?
Voting NO eliminates the WCA from being part or any negotiations or involvement as described above. Thacker’s View will be developed as approved by Chesterfield County to be a separate HOA community subject its own rules and regulations.
• The WCA will have NO input to the newly formed community amenities or their operation.
• The WCA will have NO oversight authority on monitoring the Resource Protection Area, the tree canopy, nor environmental
protections in the areas of landscaping and drainage.

REVISED March 2025