Woodlake Community Association

Application for Committee Membership


Committee Lists:

Woodlake Community Association Committees:

• Architectural Review Board

• Environmental & Maintenance

• Elections

• Financial Transparency

• Planning

Using the Committee List above, please prioritize the committee(s) you wish to serve in the boxes below.(Required)
First Preference
Second Preference
Third Preference

There are three (3) types of committee membership.

VOTING means that the member is an active member who has voting rights on the committee.

ALTERNATE member is a member who gets information that the committee gets, is able to help with projects and efforts of the committee; however, an Alternate member only has voting rights when their attendance is required to meet quorum.

ADVISOR member to a committee is reserved for those who either have finished their respective term(s) on a committee, yet wish to retain their involvement and/or their knowledge of subject matter is helpful to the committee’s work.

Type of committee membership preferred:(Required)


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Form Revised 9/2024

14900 Lake Bluff Parkway
Midlothian, VA 23112