The purpose of the Financial Transparency Committee (FTC) is to assist the WCA Board of Directors to improve confidence in the WCA (inclusive of WSRC) financial documentation, to develop methods to communicate the information to the community, and to provide an independent view of the financial information when the BOD has questions about the information prepared by the WCA staff. The committee is composed of Woodlake property homeowners/volunteers appointed by the BOD. The FTC generally meets quarterly.
Committee Purpose:
The purpose of the Woodlake Environmental & Maintenance Committee is to assist residents, elected directors, staff and management of Woodlake Community Association and Woodlake Swim and Racquet Center with conserving and protecting natural resources and human health within and surrounding the community of Woodlake through environmental stewardship. This comprises compliance, conservation, pollution prevention and education through a variety of activities to enhance public awareness of the need to conserve, protect and enhance the natural resources and water quality of the Swift Creek Reservoir and its surrounding areas.
Committee Responsibilities:
It shall be the responsibility of this committee to implement the purpose stated above and to continue to pursue better management practices and educational opportunities for the residents of Woodlake. In addition, the committee will stay current with key environmental issues that may affect the Woodlake community and the health of the Swift Creek Reservoir. The committee will inform and where possible, advise the WCA Board of said issues.
The committee will actively stay informed of compliance to various Federal, State and County entities where necessary and required in order to further understand and communicate with the WCA Board to assure that Woodlake Community Association and Woodlake Swim and Racquet Centers’ maintenance operations and policies and procedures which might impact the community also safeguard these natural resources.
Adherence to state legislation, such as the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act enacted in 1988, is of utmost importance to ensure that effective land use and management are incorporated in current and future decisions to minimize negative anthropogenic impacts within surrounding environments.
Committee Organization:
The committee is composed of at least seven (7) voting members approved by the Board of Directors. A Board liaison and a WCA staff member will attend scheduled meetings of the WEC as directed by the BoD. The liaisons are non-voting and shall serve as an information resource from the Board of Directors to the committee and from the committee to the Board.
The chairperson of the committee shall be selected by a simple majority of committee members. The role of the Chair is to maintain continuity of goals, expressed by the meeting agendas and minutes and to maintain order at meetings to ensure that the committee fulfills its obligations and responsibilities as stated in the Charter.
A vice chair and secretary shall be selected by simple majority to assist the chairperson where necessary. The chair, vice chair, and secretary shall serve two year terms, with election to be held at the end of the calendar year. In the case of mid -term resignations, this shall confirm positions for any members elected within the interim of the two year term service.
Committee agendas and meeting minutes shall be posted to the WCA web site for view once meeting minutes have been approved by committee. At any time, if a member is incapable of serving on the committee, where the committee’s objectives as set forth in the Charter, or requested by the Woodlake BoD is compromised and/or impugned in a manner contrary to the essence of the committee, he/she may be asked to volunteer their efforts outside of the environmental committee.
Committee Operations:
The committee shall hold an open meeting at least every other month at a public location. Meetings shall be advertised at a minimum of three days in advance via the newsletter and/or marquee signs.
A committee member shall record the minutes of each committee meeting and the Board liaison shall present a report to the Board during their monthly meetings. The Committee is not authorized to take any action on behalf of the Woodlake Community Association until such action is reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. Committee members are not authorized to solicit bids from companies. The committee shall submit an annual plan of action to the Board by April of each year detailing specific time frames for achieving goals, program dates and the like.
The Woodlake Environmental & Maintenance Committee is dedicated to providing residents with a high quality of life. We believe the wonderful natural amenities in our community are central to maintaining this high quality. WEC, WCA and its residents also have a vested interest in preserving the Swift Creek Reservoir and the surrounding environment. Protecting our environment is an essential part of protecting our investments in our individual homes and our community property.
The WEC generally meets the second Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. at the Woodlake Community Clubhouse.
Fill out the application below or download a PDF and submit it to
The Architectural Review Board (ARB) composed of six residents, has been established to implement the Design Guidelines. Although the Guidelines contain a listing of specific requirements to be followed, the very nature of design is an individualistic process. Consequently, the responsibility of the ARB is to interpret the goals of the community and these Guidelines as they relate to each original design submittal. Approval or refusal of plans, location, exterior color or finish, or other specification, may be made upon any ground including purely aesthetic considerations. No two sites are alike and a design solution on one site is not necessarily appropriate on another.
Each property owner within Woodlake is responsible for his or her property’s compliance with the Design Guidelines. Any proposed improvements to be made to that property may affect the compliance, and the Covenants require that the Owner obtain approvals from the Association prior to making the improvements, in order to maintain compliance. This is true regardless of whether or not the work is being performed by the Owner directly or by a contractor.
The ARB reserves the right, in its reasonable discretion on a case by case basis, to deny the review of any application submitted in connection with the Covenants or these Design Guidelines and deny approval for exterior modifications, construction, site clearing, or development of any kind on any Lot in which the Owner of the Lot is in arrears for non-payment of annual or special assessments or other charges owed to the Association or if the Lot is burdened by a lien of the Association which has not been satisfied, or if there is an existing violation of the Covenants or Design Guidelines on the Lot. (The Woodlake Design Guidelines, 1.2.1a)
In addition to approvals from the Association, other approvals and permits may be required by the County, such as a building permit. It is not the responsibility of the Association or the ARB, to obtain any other permits for you, nor to provide any guarantees or waive any legal requirements for compliance with any state or county law, with the Covenants or the Guidelines.
The Architectural Review Board reviews plans for new buildings and houses, modifications, additions and accessory buildings in regular bi-monthly meetings. At those times, the ARB reviews all requests submitted on the appropriate application forms together with their supporting drawings and information. Application forms are available at the Woodlake Community Association (WCA) office. To be included on an ARB agenda, applications must be submitted no later than noon of the last business day before the meeting. An application is approved when notice is given to the applicant in writing by the ARB or its designated representative.
Minutes from the bi-monthly ARB meetings are not publicized for confidentiality reasons. If you are concerned about a specific project, please contact Brian Hoyle:
Trash Companies
Boydes Disposal Services -804-591-0870
All Terrain Trash Service – 804-667-6223
To improve the lives and property values of the residential and commercial members of Woodlake by developing and guiding the implementation of a long-range plan for the community. The Woodlake Master Plan should become one source document for this committee; however, the committee’s considerations should not be limited by the Master Plan. The committee, working in conjunction with the Board of Directors and the Financial Transparency Committee, should develop and annually update a five-year plan for improvements to the community, to include an estimate of the capital costs and any resulting operating costs of those improvements.
1. Carry out specific projects as assigned by the Board of Directors
2. To conduct appropriate research among the Woodlake residents to determine their interests in various amenities and willingness to bear the costs for them;
3. To develop a rolling five-year plan for improvements to amenities and services added to the community by the WCA;
4. To specifically review each proposed new amenity in the Woodlake Master Plan with the goal of determining which items should be added to the community and to set a timetable and budget for adding those amenities and propose that schedule to the Board of Directors for adoption;
5. Review the Reserve Study every five years
6. Review and recommend the prioritization of the Capital and Replacement Reserve requests each year as part of the budget process
7. To work with other relevant WCA Committees to provide a coordinated plan to the WCA Board;
The Planning Committee reports to the WCA Board of Directors and operates according to the provisions of this Charter, the bylaws of the Association, and any other regulations that may be promulgated by the Board from time to time.
This committee shall have five, seven, or nine members from the community at large, with those members being appointed according to the process for all WCA committees. Community planning experience and/or skills and/or a thorough working knowledge of the community should be emphasized in making appointments to this committee.
Written minutes will be submitted to the WCA Board of Directors following each meeting of the committee. Whenever action taken by this committee requires action by the WCA Board of Directors, the committee Chair should prepare a document separate from the minutes and provide this document to the WCA President describing the action. The Chair or the Chair’s designee should attend the WCA Board meeting and report in person to the Board whenever Board action is sought by the committee or when activities of the committee merit such reporting.
The General Manager will serve as Staff Liaison to this committee.
This committee will have responsibility for making recommendations for the areas of its responsibility during the budget development process and for monitoring the financial progress of those areas throughout the year.
This Charter will be reviewed annually by the Board.
This Charter was approved by the WCA Board of Directors at the Board Meeting held January 22, 2020 and supersedes all previous charters approved prior to this date.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 5:30pm-7:30pm at the SRC Clubhouse. Please note: additional meetings may be scheduled and residents should check the Woodlake calendar for times/locations.