This event is open to Woodlake residents and their invited guests only.
The Environmental and Maintenance Committee have organized the Earth Day Event this year at Woodlake.
They are going to have stations at the Picnic Shelter from 10:00 am to noon to include:
• a native plant swap and seed exchange
• earth friendly kid’s craft & games
• information about services our local Cooperative Extension offers & how Woodlake residents can protect Woodlake’s reservoir.
Nature Hike:
At 11:30 am a kid friendly hike will kick off at the Picnic Shelter and walk around Tom Sawyer Island to learn about Woodlake’s native animals, plants and trees. We will arrive back at the Picnic Shelter by noon.
Keep Virginia Beautiful
• 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm a volunteer from Keep Virginia Beautiful will be leading a community clean-up meeting at the Picnic Shelter at the Pavilion.