Woodlake Community Association


Ladies Tennis League Seeking Players

March 20, 2025
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

This is open to Woodlake Racquet Sports Members.

Hello Woodlake Tennis members,
Our tennis courts are ready for league action!

Would you like to get more out of your tennis membership?

We have a weekday ladies team looking for additional players!

The Richmond Suburban Ladies Tennis League (RSLTL) offers competitive play throughout the area.

Woodlake has a team that plays Thursday mornings, both singles and doubles lines are played in a pro set.

8 games for singles and 10 games for doubles

Play is at 9:30 am, singles or 10:30 am doubles
Pro sets typically play out in 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Why consider joining our Woodlake Suburban C team?

The Thursday morning team is composed of 2.5 to 3.5 players; however, you do not need to be USTA rated to play.

The Thursday morning team has paid all league fees through this spring, so there is no fee to join us! (Ball $ = $4)

Lots of chances to play over the course of six weeks, April 3 through May 8.

Please contact Allie Hannon at 804.833.8040 or alliehannon@gmail.com.

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