Candidate: Robert Sampson
How long have you lived in Woodlake? 30 years
Where did you move from?Fayetteville, NC (1995)
Describe any previous experience serving on a board, particularly if for a property owners association.
Previously elected to WCA BoD in 2016 and 2019. During these prior terms I have served as the Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer, and President. While not on the board, I have assisted the WCA with numerous surveys, studies, and specific recommendations as requested by the BoD.
What other activities or groups are you involved in at Woodlake or outside of Woodlake?
Currently still snow skiing and playing golf, former USTA tennis player at Woodlake and a pickleball player.
6 Questions Asked of Each Board Candidate:
1. How do you describe Woodlake to other people?
Woodlake remains a highly desirable planned residential community with high community standards adjacent to the Swift Creek reservoir. Within the neighborhood, residents have access to a large variety of different amenities, walking trails, reservoir access, community activities and events to a much greater extent than other nearby neighborhoods. It is a welcoming community for residents of all ages.
2. What do you consider to be the primary functions and responsibilities of the Board of Directors?
The primary responsibility of the Board of Directors is to maintain and enhance property values for the residents. This includes responsible management and maintenance of the WCA assets while operating within desired financial resources available.
3. What personal characteristics/skills do you possess that you believe will enhance the performance of the Board?
I have worked for and retired from two large corporations, then operated my own software consulting business for several years. I am analytical and conservative by nature and look to provide practical and affordable solutions. I have been fortunate to call Woodlake home for more than 25 years and hope to be in a position to preserve “life on the lake” for other families to enjoy as my family has.
4. What is your experience, attendance, and/or participation in board and/or committee meetings at Woodlake?
For more than 12 years I had the privilege of being appointed to and active in advisory roles and numerous committees for Woodlake. This has included two previous board terms serving as a director, treasurer, and president of the BOD.
5. What do you feel are the main issues and/or concerns confronting Woodlake over the next 3 to 5 years.
The challenges faced by the community are ever changing. The most difficult issues generally result from keeping the community relevant and adjusting to external influences. In the near term, these include adjusting to the Thacker property development and insuring appropriate governance for the land under the lake/reservoir.
6. Residents have expressed concern over the upkeep and conditions of Woodlake Community common and/or open space as designed under the master plan. As a candidate, do you have a vision, or can you share your thoughts on this topic?
I believe that many residents, especially new residents, do not realize the extent of the physical assets that are owned, operated, and maintained by the association. Over the past several years many significant upgrades and improvements have been made. However, Woodlake is an aging community and will always have repair and replacement needs, similar to resident’s individual properties. Prioritization and patience are required to address these ongoing upkeep needs to insure the most urgent issues are addressed appropriately and in a timely manner.