Woodlake Community Association

Woodlake Non-Resident Family Summer Swim Membership 2025

This Summer Swim Membership is for both the Woodlake AFC and SRC Outdoor Pools

Participating Pools located at: 5000 Woodlake Village Parkway and 14710 Village Square Place, Midlothian, VA 23112
CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: Please complete the e-form below and make your payment.
FOR CASH or CHECK PAYMENTS: If you prefer to pay by cash or check, please download a pdf copy of the form below.

Bring by, or mail the completed form with payment to the Woodlake Community Association. 14900 Lake Bluff Parkway Midlothian, VA 23112. Questions please call: 804.739.4344.

Family Member Spouse 1:(Required)
Family Member Spouse 2:

Additional Family Members To Be Included in Membership

NOTE: Allowable additional family members are family members living in the household and under the age of 26.

Payment Detail

WOODLAKE NON-RESIDENT FAMILY SUMMER SWIM MEMBERSHIPS are valid for the period from Memorial Day Weekend, May 24, 2025 through Labor Day, September 1, 2025. All balances not paid within 30 days of the due date are subject to a finance charge in the amount of 1.5% per month. In addition, management reserves the right to: (a) suspend and/or terminate membership privileges; (b) file suit to collect the balance due; (c) recover from member(s) any collection fees, court costs, and reasonable attorney’s fees; and/or (d) collect a service fee of $35.00 for any check or draft payable or credit card decline to Woodlake which is not honored. All persons signing this agreement are jointly and severally liable for membership dues and any other charges or fees incurred.

Terms and Conditions

1. Payment Options: Payments can be made by check or cash using the downloaded pdf form. Payments can be made by credit card using the e-form to complete the transaction.
2. Membership: Non-Resident Summer Swim membership is active from May 24, 2025 through September 1, 2025. This member grants the member access to Woodlake Outdoor pools ONLY during this period. Membership is terminated, September 2, 2025.
3. Resignation: There are no refunds should the member terminate their Summer Swim membership prior to September 1, 2025.
4. Facility Availability: Access to WCA facilities may be limited based on the type of membership selected. The WCA may occasionally be unavailable during normal hours, due to repair, maintenance and upgrades. Hours are also subject to change at the discretion of management. There will not be an adjustment in dues for any period during which a portion of the WCA facilities are unavailable, or due to a change in hours, unless management, in its sole discretion, determines that an adjustment should be made.
5. Health and Safety Considerations: The use of the facilities and participation in programs and courses is at the sole risk of the Member(s). Member is solely responsible for being aware of his/her medical history and should consult with a physician prior to engaging in exercise or other activities offered by the WCA Member is also solely responsible for making sure he/she has the knowledge and ability necessary to safely utilize the WCA equipment and facilities. If a member has any questions about how to use any equipment, he/she is responsible for seeking assistance from WCA certified staff. Member understands that a separate training session may be necessary to educate member on how to properly utilize equipment. Member agrees to only utilize equipment and portions of the facility that he/she can utilize safely, and acknowledges that not all equipment within the facility maybe safe for his/her use, depending on age, size, health, maturity, swimming ability, and other considerations. Members are responsible for making sure their family members and guests safely utilize the facility and equipment. It is understood that personal injury may result, despite the best intentions of the WCA and even if the WCA takes adequate precautions. Member agrees that the WCA and itsowners,managers, instructors, operators, employees and contractors shall not be responsible for, and are hereby released from, any liability or claim related to any activity connected to use of the WCA facilities.
6. Rules and Regulations: All members and their families and guests must comply with all rules and regulations established by theWCA and rules and regulations are subject to change without notice. The WCA reserves the right to suspend or terminate membership privileges in its sole discretion as a result of violations of its rules and regulations. The WCA reserves the right to suspend or cancel this Agreement at any time if it, in its sole discretion, determines that the member or his/her family member cannot safely utilize the facility or is not following WCA rules, is being disruptive or posing a hazard to other members or to WCA staff, or for anyother reason. Any suspension or termination due to failure to follow the rules and regulations related to use of the facility shall not entitle the Member(s) to a reimbursement of any fees already paid and shall not relieve the member from the obligation to pay for the remainder of the membership period, until the membership is terminated in accordance with this Agreement.
7. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any promise, representation, understanding, oral or written, pertaining directly or indirectly to the agreement which is not contained herein, is hereby waived. This contract is not binding on the WCA until the acceptance below is signed. Any suit to enforce this Agreement shall be brought in the appropriate court in Chesterfield County, Virginia.
Payment Method(Required)
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

14900 Lake Bluff Parkway
Midlothian, VA 23112